Have you ever just felt sad for no reason?
Or, maybe even you have a reason.
But, your body just aches, you might even cry, you feel mentally and physically exhausted. You are just sad – in every sense of the word.
Well, that might be because you are experiencing some depression.
Unfortunately, depression is often part of life. Most people experience it at one time or another…
What is depression?
By definition, depression is the feeling of severe dejection and despondency.
It negatively affects how you think, how you feel, and how you act. It is a common and serious medical illness.
And, while it is a common illness in general, it is even more common when it comes to the process of addiction recovery and even the post-recovery life.
Even if you were motivated to get sober and are enjoying it, depression can still lurk in the background. It is something you experience as you feel tempted, as your body craves what you once had, and various other emotions and experiences that go along with addiction recovery.
How do I beat depression?
Well, wouldn’t it be nice if you could just snap your fingers and suddenly not feel depressed anymore? I think we have all wished that at one point or another.
But, unfortunately, depression has to be conquered with actions and effort. It doesn’t just go away on its own. However, there are several things you can do on your own to empower yourself and help yourself heal when you are feeling down:
- Eat healthy.
This is just a general rule of thumb – try to stick with a healthy diet as often as possible. Your body will appreciate the nutrients and plenty of healthy foods can naturally fight off depression.
In addition, it will help you stay healthier – and a healthy body can combat depression much better than a damaged one.
Try to cut out sweets as much as possible, eat plenty of vegetables, and drink enough water.
- Try music therapy.
Music can really affect our mood – it can worsen it or improve it. It improves it by getting our dopamine flowing, which is the “happy chemical.”
Try listening to upbeat songs that speak about positive things or simply listen to just an instrumental song that incorporates a guitar and other uplifting sounds. You will likely find yourself smiling to yourself without even realizing it.
- Try regular therapy.
Sometimes, people are shied away by the idea of therapy…
They don’t want to feel like they need help. But, asking for help is empowering and a sign of strength rather than weakness. It helps to talk to someone who can understand what you are going through.